Gum Disease in Children

Gum disease is the inflammation and infection of the tissue around the teeth called gingiva (gums). Bacterial plaque causes this by hardening to tartar. Tartar is a rough, porous mineral buildup that is usually yellow or brown in color. Tartar forms at and underneath the gingiva and absorbs stains. Tartar excretes the toxins that cause gum inflammation, resulting in the development of pockets around the teeth that hold even more toxins and bacteria. This condition can lead to the loosening of the teeth, or even the teeth falling out. And as the condition worsens, the accumulated toxins and bacteria move deeper into the jaw to destroy the bone that holds the tooth in place.

Signs of gum disease can include:

  • Red, inflamed gums
  • Bleeding while brushing or flossing
  • Receding gums
  • Loose or separating teeth
  • Presence of pus between the gum and tooth
  • Chronic halitosis (bad Breath)

Gum disease is reversible if caught while in the early stages. The dentist will scale the tooth to remove plaque and calculus, and plane the tooth roots to smooth them. The dentist may prescribe antibiotics to clear up any infection or inflammation. Advanced cases may require the dentist to surgically trim the gums, remove the hardened plaque build-up, and re-contour the damaged bone.

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The Kids Dentist - Mequon, WI

Our board-certified pediatric dentists provide dental care for infants, children and teenagers. We have consistently received 5 star ratings throughout social media. We have patients that travel from all over the metropolitan area including Mequon, Whitefish Bay, Thiensville, River Hills, Fox Point, Glendale and other northern Milwaukee suburbs.

If you would like for your child to have a great experience at a pediatric dentist, please call The Kids Dentist 262-241-0400 or complete an online appointment request.


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